Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM) calls on all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, to join the Bersih 5 rally on November 19 and support the five demands of the rally for clean elections, clean government, strengthening of parliamentary democracy, the right to dissent and empowering Sabah and Sarawak.
There is no time more urgent than now for all Malaysians to make a clear stand that the people reject outright the entrenched massive corruption as epitomised by the 1MDB scandal, the repression of the government to cover up corruption and instil fear in the population; the manipulation of the electoral system to maintain in power against the will of the people; and the increased economic hardship for the people due to these abuse of power, massive corruption and mismanagement of the country’s resources.
Malaysians should send a clear message to the government that the people demand strongly thorough institutional reform in the country, including for repressive laws to be repealed, independent institutions to be re-established, free and fair elections to be reintroduced and more importantly, the mechanisms of checks and balances in the three branches of power be restored.
GBM strongly believes that without such genuine and thorough institutional reforms, the future of Malaysia will be at stake.
GBM calls on the government to respect the right of the people to assemble peacefully as guaranteed in the Federal Constitution and allow the Bersih 5 rally to take place as planned.
We urge the Inspector General of Police and his police force to act in accordance to the Federal Constitution and perform their duty impartially and professionally. The role of the police is to facilitate the exercising of the constitutional rights of the people in a peaceful manner and not to violate the rights by clamping down on the rally.
GBM reminds Jamal Md Yunus and his red shirts thugs that while they have the right to hold their demonstration as well, they must organise their protest in a peaceful manner. They have no right to stop the rally of others, let alone resorting to violence. We call on the police to act professionally and take immediate action against red shirt protesters that commit violent actions.
It is time for all Malaysians to reject in no uncertain terms the stoking of racial and religious sentiments, led by Jamal Md Yunus and his red shirts with political blessing from the power-that-be, in order to divert public attention from the massive corruption and abuse of power of the government at the expense of breaking up the country.
GBM calls on all peace loving Malaysians from all races to join force in Bersih 5 rally and reject outright the threats, intimidation and violence by the red shirts. The future of the country as a democratic, progressive and prosperous nation cannot be blackmailed by Jamal Md Yunus, the red shirts, and their political master behind the scene.
All Malaysians must courageously claim back our country from those who are corrupt and abused their power. It will not be easy but it is the only path. See you at Bersih 5 rally.
Endorsed by member organizations of Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia:
- All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)
- Anak Muda Sarawak (AMS)
- Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF)
- Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH)
- LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLG)
- Majlis Perundingan Malaysian Agama Buddha, Kritisian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao (MCCBCHST)
- Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)
- National Indian Rights Action Team (NIAT)
- PACOS Trust
- Persatuan Masyarakat Sel dan Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
- Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran)
- Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM)
- Pusat Komas (KOMAS)
- Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
- SUARAM Malaysia
- Tindak Malaysia (TM)
Endorsed by other non-governmental organizations:
- Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN)
- Baramkini
- Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
- Greenfriends Sabah
- Institut Kajian Dasar
- Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT)
- Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS)
- Jawantankuasa Bertindak KL Tak Nak Insinerator
- Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS)
- Malaysian Indians Transformation Action Team (MITRA)
- Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility (MPSR)
- Malaysia Youth & Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
- Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI)
- Perak Women for Women Society (PWW)
- Persatuan Rapat Malaysia (RAPAT)
- Projek Dialog
- Sabah Women’s Action Resource Group (SAWO)
- Sisters in Islam (SIS)
- Student Progressive Front USM
- Student Progressive Front UUM
- Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy
- The Society for the Promotion of Human Rights (PROHAM)
- Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)
- Women Center for Change (WCC)