Respect Malaysians’ Right to be Informed and End Harassment to TMI and The Edge Media Group

We, the following civil society organisations call upon the Police to respect the rights of Malaysian citizens to be informed on the implementation of Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code (SCC), which has far-reaching implications to the entire country. The Police’s crackdown of online news portal, The Malaysian Insider (TMI), which is part of the Edge Media Group, is a shameful act to create fear and silence discourse as Malaysians are angered by the introduction of GST.

We call for an end to all harassment to TMI and the Edge Media Group which have covered extensively not just the SCC, but also the scandals surrounding 1Malaysian Development Berhad (1MDB).

Even if TMI has allegedly misreported the Conference of Rulers’ position on the SCC, a denial and clarification by the Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal — which was widely reported — is sufficient.

We hold that TMI is merely serving public interest by sourcing for news and reporting what transpired in the Conference of Rulers’ meeting with regard to a matter of national interest. Their mistake – due to unavailability of official news – should not be punished.

Issued by the following Civil Society Organisations:

1.Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran) 国民醒觉运动
2.All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)妇女行动协会
3.Anak Muda Sarawak (AMS) 砂拉越青年之子
4.Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAman) 马来西亚和平力量组织
5.Centre for Orang Asli Concern (COAC) 原住民关怀中心
6.Centre to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4) 对抗贪污和朋党中心
8.Federation of Malaysian Indian Organization (PRIMA)马来西亚印裔组织总会
9.Institute for Development of Alternative Living, (IDEAL, Sarawak) 另类生活发展研究所,砂拉越
10.Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) 回教复兴前线组织
11.Japan Graduates’ Association of Malaysia (JAGAM) 马来西亚留日同学会
12.Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) 全马原住民网络
14.LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLG) 林连玉基金
15.Kill The Bill 创意集会小组
16.Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂
17.Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (KAMI) 独立学生份子组织
18.Majlis Perundingan Malaysian Agama Buddha, Kritisian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao (MCC BCHST) 马来西亚五大宗教理事会
19.Malaysian Indians Transformation Action Team (MITRA) 马来西亚印裔转型行动组织
20.Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) 马来西亚印裔进步组织
21.Malaysian Youth Care Association (PRIHATIN) 马来西亚青年关怀协会
23.Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI) 东方思想研究中心
24.People Welfare And Rights Organisation (POWER) 人民福利和权利组织
25.Perak Women For Women Society (PWW) 霹雳州妇女于妇女协会
26.Persatuan Bekas Siswazah Univesiti dan Kolej di China, Malaysia (LiuHua) 马来西亚留华同学会
27.Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) 雪兰莪社区自强学会
28.Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur (PRIHATIN)雪隆社区关怀协会
29.Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS) 雪隆社区协会
30.Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia (PROHAM) 人权协会促进组织
31.Persatuan Rapat Malaysia (RAPAT) 马来西亚密切协会
32.Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor雪隆妇女之友协会
33.Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM) 马来西亚回教革新组织
34.Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS) 社区传播中心
35.Saccess Sarawak 砂拉越通道组织
36.Sahabat Rakyat 人民之友
37.Save Rivers 拯救河流组织
38.Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) 马来西亚之子
39.Selangor and KL Hokkien Association Youth Section雪隆福建会馆青年团
40.Solidarity for Civil Rights in China (SCRC) 中国维权大马后援会
41.Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) 人民之声
42.Tamil Foundation தமிழ் அறவாரியம் (TF)淡米尔基金会
43.Tamilar Action Force (TAF) 淡米拉行动力量
44.Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy赵明福基金会
45.The Federation of Chinese Association Johore State (FCAJ) 柔佛州中华总会(柔华总)
46.Tindak Malaysia马来西亚行动组织
47.United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (UCSAAM) 马来西亚华校校友会联合会总会
48.Writers’ Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
50.Women Development Organisation of Malaysia Petaling Jaya New Town Branch  马来西亚妇女发展组织机构(八打灵分会)

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