2020 Kenyataan Media Bersama

Bersih 2.0 & Civil Society Organisations’ Joint Statement:
Backdoor Government is Undemocratic and a Betrayal of Voters of GE14

We demand the following actions be taken:

  1. All PH MPs who won on the PH ticket, but have changed alliance, to resign immediately
    as they no longer have the mandate of the Rakyat.
  2. Failing which, we call for a dissolution of Parliament and fresh elections to be held to
    seek a fresh mandate from the Rakyat. We urge the YDP Agong to give his consent for such a
    We call on all citizens to voice out their anger and disappointment and make the two demands
    together with the civil society at this betrayal and abandonment of the mandate given to the PH

Engage:Kebebasan bersuara serasi (compatible) dengan sistem raja berperlembagaan.
Polis harus berkecuali dalam isu pelantikan Perdana Menteri.

Kami menyeru PDRM untuk menghentikan penyiasatan ke atas 18 orang rakyat: Fadiah Natwa
Fikri, Liew Liang Hong, Wong Yan Ke, Nik Azura bt Nik Nasron, A. Sivarajan, Amir Hariri, Asmalif
Abdul Adam, Muhammad Faiz Fadzil, Amar Atan, Nalini, Asheeq Ali, Beverly Joemen,
Aishah, Rendy, Dobby Chew, Ust Ridzuan, Marina Mahathir dan Ambiga Sreenevasan yang
menyertai perhimpunan aman, dan juga tidak mendakwa mereka yang meluahkan komentar
yang melewati batas adab sopan terhadap Istana kerana terlalu cakna demokrasi.

CodeBlue:Malaysia Must Unite — Covid-19 Will Not Respect Ethnic, Religious Or
Political Boundaries — Dr Yap Wei Aun & Dr Khor Swee Kheng

n Malaysia, confirmed cases are mainly imported (but local transmission has started to
occur) and the numbers of cases is modest compared even with countries with advanced
health systems far away from the disease epicentre. Some attribute this to warm, humid
weather but it is premature to assume this for a novel virus until proven. The Ministry
of Health has responded with utmost professionalism in handling these cases and
deserves the kudos given by health professionals and global authorities . However, a
major outbreak of COVID-19 will require balanced and coordinated responses beyond
the Ministry of Health (the whole-of-government) and indeed beyond the government
(the whole-of society).

Set up independent oversight mechanism for GLCs

The GLC Reform Group has consistently called for an independent and transparent
appointments mechanism for the leadership of GLCs to replace the current system
where the ruling government can exercise its power arbitrarily to appoint and dismiss
heads of GLCs. We have also called for these bodies to be brought under independent
scrutiny, whether through a separate Commission or through Parliament. Professor Terence
Gomez has emphasised the importance in identifying how many GLCs exist, in
order for there to be proper accountability and transparency.

CSO Platform For Reform: Don’t Willfully Undermine A Democratic Malaysia
MAlaysians are not deluded by the suggestion that a state of emergency is required to
combat to COVID-19 pandemic. The Movement Control Order (MCO), despite its difficulty
and challenge for the country, has proven to the world that Malaysia is able to fight
off COVID-19 with the existing legal and enforcement mechanisms.
The only failure in Malaysia’s struggle against COVID-19 is the legal immunity enjoyed
by politicians when they flout restrictions imposed to curb the transmission of

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