En. Lau Chin Yan dari Segamat, Johor
En. Lau yang sudah berumur masih giat mempromosikan dan menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan Cina di sekolah-sekolah daerah Segamat. Beliau telah menyentuh jiwa generasi muda melalui penceritaan sejarah pembangunan pendidikan Cina di Malaysia kepada murid-murid baharu sehingga beliau diberi gelaran ‘lokomotif pendidikan Cina’ di tempatan.
The elderly Mr. Lau helped to promote and carry out various activities pertaining to Chinese education at schools in Segamat district. He told pupils the development history of Chinese eduction in Malaysia and has touched upon the souls of the younger generation. He has been then regarded as the locomotive of Chinese education by the local community.