Mendiang En. Yap Hong Oon, bekas Pengerusi Dong Zong (Persekutuan Persatuan-persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia)
En. Yap telah membabitkan diri dalam urusan pendidikan Cina untuk lebih 60 tahun. Beliau pernah menjadi pengerusi Dong Zong dan Jawatankuasa Universiti Merdeka pada tempoh masa berlakunya peristiwa 13 Mei, dan mengetuai gerakan persiapan Universiti Merdeka. Sumbangan beliau telah mendasarkan gerakan pembangunan institusi pendidikan tinggi Cina di Malaysia.
Mr. Yap has dedicated more than 60 years of his life towards the cause of Chinese education. He was the Chairman for Dong Zong and The Merdeka University Committee around the period of May 13th Event, and was the forefront organiser of the Merdeka University Movement. His contributions laid down a strong foundation for the furthering of Chinese higher education institutions.