En. Tie Chee Ping dari Sibu, Sarawak
En. Tie telah menubuhkan Persatuan Lembaga Bersatu Pengurusan Sekolah Rendah Cina Bantuan Sarawak untuk menyatukan sekolah-sekolah tersebut. Beliau tegas memperjuangkan hak-hak sekolah rendah Cina di Sarawak dan giat membantu sekolah yang menghadapi masalah kekurangan murid berpindah ke lokasi lain supaya tidak mengalami penutupan.
Mr. Tie has organized The United Association of Chinese Primary Aided School Boards of Management to unite the schools. He has a firm standing on the rights of the Chinese primary schools in Sarawak and actively helped to relocate schools with very little students so as to turn around its adversities.